Sunday, March 05, 2006


Yeah, so tonight's the OSCARS. Big deal, right? Entertainment is boring me. Mindless drivel, spewed from the mouths of the rich and famous. Souless, pointless, defective merchandise--you can't return it.

When I was a kid, it seemed like the movies were bigger and better. I'm not exactly sure what happened, I think the biggest change occured within myself (and not actually in Hollywood).

I was sitting with some friends, one of them had this chick with him...some girl...she's thinking about coming to my school (good choice....right?). Anyway, she's kinda in my field (but no one I think is in my tree...I mean, I must be high or low?). Needless to say, she thinks she's hot shit. God's gift to the reading public. I can't really comment on that, because I've never read anything she's written, but she made me sick. This is an apporximation of her philosophy: "I don't care about anything, just as long as I entertain people." I think the world (okay, mainly just the Western part of it) has a major glut of "entertainment." I think that her attitude is echoed by the rest of the creative community. Sick, sick, sick.

The Bible is really just a book of morals and parables wrapped in an enertaining story. That's what the world needs right now, that's what people need. The synthesis of morality and storytelling. I don't just want to entertain people. I think that only leads to shallow, worthless art. It's sit coms nobody remembers in 10 years. It's gameshows, Prom Queens, ice cream sandwhiches sitting out in the hot sun. How sweet and good tasting it is at the time...but with no shelf life. What will people 10 years from now revisit from this time period? "American Idol" and "Bad Boys II"? I think not.

People don't like to be preached at. I know this, I'm not stupid. But there are real problems in this world, and I don't think the entertainment "industry" (which is probably one of the all-time stupidest phrases ever) is missing a chance to do more than make a quick buck. The chance to change peoples hearts and minds-to change the being wasted. A few movies ("Good Night, and Good Luck") made by a few brave people are challenging what mass media can do.

I used to write popcorn stories. The sort of thing kids like--I thought that that's what I'd be producing as a writer. But I can't do that, not anymore. Somewhere there is a balance...I just have to find it.

Wish me well on my midterms.

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