Friday, December 19, 2008

Midnight Turkey

So Leah's mum gave us a turkey on Sunday. I've been waiting to eat it, but Leah insisted that we thaw it naturally. Which takes time...

A lot...of freakin' time...

But today it was nice and ready! She put it in the oven around 5:00PM when we got off work. And in the oven it sat...until a few minutes ago. So tonight, at 12:08AM--I ate two delicious turkey sandwiches. Seriously, they were good. The meat is falling off the carcass (or so Leah tells me, I'm afraid cooking turkeys is too much like those nasty frog dissections in High School biology for my delicate sensibilities).

Anyway, it was a long wait...but we have meat. Oh yes! WE HAVE MEAT!!! Turkey 'till X-Mas!!!! YES.

If I look a little bleary-eyed (and naked) it's because I am. Both.


Jimu said...

midnight turkey sounds like a great story title... oh bleary and naked one.

Jimu said...

oh and have leah check her LJ while logged in.. there's a NYE invite.

Anonymous said...

You carnivore, you