Wednesday, February 08, 2006

The Good Book (and "The Pink Panther")

Ok, so last night my girlfriend and some of her friends went with me to a sneak peek of the "Pink Panther" remake. Why on Earth did we do this to ourselves? Because it was free and we are all dirt ass poor. And how was it? Well, wasn't as bad as we all thought it was going to be. Prior to the showing me and my girlfriend decided to bail if it got really lame. It was lame, but some of it was kinda funny (if you are in 5th grade, you'll love it). The best part: seeing Jean Reno dance in tights. The animated credits were also funny.

What's not funny is what happened yesterday. Me and my girlfriend (who is Jewish) were walking to the cafeteria at my school, and what did we see...but Bible pushers. Every now and then, our school is visited by these super Christians who run around our school trying to get us to take a free Bible (if you sign their paperwork). My girlfriend belongs to a local Jewish group, and last semester they complained about this--but to no avail. The school gets paid by certain groups to basically hang out and bug the shit out of the students.

Now, I am not anti-Christian, nor am I anit-Bible. But these people go too far. For one thing, there's like ten of them. They hang out in two choke points (i.e. most students have no choice but to walk past them). One place is on a bridge connecting two buildings. This bridge can be avoided, but to do so you have to walk further and outside in the elements (it snowed's really too fucking cold to do that). Their other favorite spot is at the bottom of the escalator in the cafeteria.

My girlfriend was very uncomfortable on the bride, but kept walking. Then we got to the top of the escalator--when she saw one of the guys standing RIGHT AT THE BOTTOM OF THE ESCALATOR, Bible in hand...she told me she couldn't go down there. She apologized and then bolted. Me, I was hungry so I couldn't just turn around and leave. I got to the bottom of the escalator and I told the guy,

"My girlfriend was going to eat lunch with me, but then she saw you standing here and decided not to come down...thanks a lot."

And this idiot looked at me dumbly and said (I'm not making this up):

"Would you like one of our Bibles?"

This (I'm sorry to say) is what I said:

"No I don't want your fucking Bible..."

Now, I admit I was wrong to use such language with him in public. But frankly, I get really sick of having to deal with these people. These people intimidate and bully PAYING students. We're just trying to go to and from class...not battle someone and defend our religious perspective (which for most college age people has already been set in stone). Now, I'm do not think these groups should not be allowed to come onto the school's property. Far from it. I am all for freedom of speech, and freedom of religion. However, there should be some rules.

All solicitors (such as the people who want you to sign petitions, or get a credit card, or invite you to their Frat party) should be limited in number and in location. They should have to be sitting down at a table. Tables are provided for these groups who more often than not, tend to move several feet in front of their table. Solicitors should have to stay seated and not address students unless they are addressed first. They can have a large sign, with flashing lights or whatever, but they shouldn't pester students.

Now, you may think I'm being too sensitive. Maybe I am. But tell me this, do think it's right for these people to come on campus, engage a student in conversation (bordering harassment) and tell said student that her religious text is not "real"? Because that's exactly what happened to one of my girlfriends friends. This is wrong, plain and simple. Doing that sort of thing is harassment and makes the college campus a place where non-Christians do not feel comfortable.

The problem is simple: money and religious intolerance. My college gets paid from these groups so they don't care. The groups that come to school are composed of people so thoroughly brainwashed that any kind contact with them yields nothing but "Christ is lord." You can't argue that what they are doing is wrong or un-American (which it is). They think anyone who doesn't practice their religious doctrine is wrong. Any discomfort they feel is of no concern. I can't believe the school won't do anything about this.

And people have and are complaing. Last week, my paper published a letter written by a student who complained about this very problem. I'm not sure what I'm going to do about this, but something must be done. I'm thinking about writing the Chancellor's office and the Dean's office. Maybe then, something will be done. Until then, when those creeps show up on campus my meals in the cafeteria are going to be lonely.

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