Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Transcendental tears for the Material World

"What is matter? Whence is it? Whereto? The first of these questions only, the ideal theory answers. Idealism saith: matter is a phenomenon, not a substance. Idealism acquaints us with the total disparity between the evidence of our own being, and the evidence of the world's being. The one is perfect, the other, incapable of any assurance; the mind is a part of the nature of things; the world is a divine dream, from which we may presently awake to the glories and certainties of day."

Yeah, so it's been a really strange day. Not really a good day...not really a bad one. Ralph Waldo Emerson is messing with my head pretty badly. English Lit was interesting today...Man is God, part and particle. Everything but my mind is part of nature. I can't prove that anything exists except my mind (including my own body). What's a guy to do, when he can't even be sure his ass is real? I fart, therefore it is?

I do lean towards his assertion of the divinity of human beings. If there is a God, I don't think there is a heaven. Rather than being stuck in one place, I think God is pretty much everywhere (part of everything, including us). I hang out with so many religious people, and yet I have no religion of my own. I'm not a Christian, I've already decided. Nor am I a Muslim, Jew, or Hindu. I'm thinking I may have to just blend and mix up my own personal religion.

Welcome to Jason-ism.


I think the Universe and it's creation are too complex for us to ever understand. The Big Bang probably happened, but occured in another pre-existing space of some sort. I think this exposion was instigated (but not controlled) by a higher force (as opposed to a diety). This higher force I liken to gravity, but more complex and sentient. Bascially, imagine a thinking/reacting form of inertia. This force is amoral (by our standards) and may or may not even be aware of our existence.


Jason-ism believes that all life is a precious and fragile gift. One that should not be taken away, except by the cosmic gift giver (i.e. not you, so don't kill anyone). There is no real point to our lives, except to live them and of course continue the gene pool. Happiness is a path and not a destination, so enjoy the ride (don't worry where this ride will stop at, just be happy until it does).


Dying means an end to existence on Earth. A person being more than just a fleshy lump of meat, can expect to continue existing, however in a higher state that human beings cannot even begin to fathom (see ending of 2001). It's okay to be sad when a loved one dies, and to avoid death at (nearly) all costs, however death itself (as a process of life) should not be feared.

Love and Marriage:

Jason-ism's definition of love: a euphoric feeling caused by a positive stimulus. Love cannot be measured, controlled, captured, or manufactured through any means other than positive stimulus. People can love thing, places, and other people. Love can be an equal exchange of positive stimulus, but is more commonly not equally experianced. An obvious example of this is when a person loves someone who doesn't love them. A less obvious example is between parents and children. Children are often not able to love their parents as much as they are loved by their parents because they lack an emotional understanding required to experiance love. This understanding usually does not fully appear until a child becomes a parent.

Marriage is for those in the rare circumstance when love is mutually exculsive. Though love can exist between more than two people, for the sake of Western society as it remains today, a marriage should only consist of two people. Goodluck to those who attempt it!


Jason-ism does not feel it is necessary to make a list of things not to do (sins). Rather, a sin is anything a person does that is harmful to other living things. "Harmful" can be either immediate or long term. If a certain action leaves a person feeling "bad" or "wrong" then this action must be further examined. If this action (or inaction) can be found to harm a living thing this action (or inaction) must be considered a sin (or morally incorrect). Certain instances will, no doubt, ocurr in which nothing can be done (or not done) that will not result in some living thing being negatively affected. In these times, the least amount of harm must come to the the most intelligent being involved (and up from this point, in incriments of negative/intelligence). People come before animals, in these cases. However, unlike many religions, Jason-ism does not presuppose that animals were placed on this planet for any reason other than it's own existence (and not for the benifit of any other living thing--including human beings).

If an intelligent, rational person deems something to be unethical or immoral--it probably is! Jason-ism says (as does Pinnochio's cricket friend) "let your conscience be your guide."


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