Friday, September 15, 2006

New iTUNES Sucks

Hey, just a fair warning to anyone out there...don't download the new version of iTUNES it really, really, really, really SUCKS! Not sure what the hell they were thinking releasing this thing (I think it's like version 7.0 or 7.1). They changed the look of the browser (again) and I don't really like the it. But worse is the new "features" like the option to GET ALBUM ART. Sounds good, right? You can get album art for files you DIDN'T download from iTUNES.

Except there is a MAJOR problem...some of the artwork is wrong...dead wrong...and it's a bitch to change it back to what it should be. They had some black guy's album (Thomas Long? ever heard of him? me neither) artwork for all of my Queen MP3s. Now does that make ANY sense? Also, for compilations it just goes and finds the first artist listed, rather than go and get the artwork for the acutal compilation. RESULT: every song on my Pulp Fiction soundtrack had the art work for Al Green's Greatest Hits. Riiiiight....maybe what I keep hearing about iTUNES/iPOD going the way of the Dodo bird might be more than speculation...

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