Tuesday, February 20, 2007

They Should Make Tanks Out Of i-Pod Nanos

Well guess what? I'm listening to my FULLY OPERATIONAL MP3 Player!!! That sonofabitch is clean...let me tell you. For a while, the screen was dead, a blank white page, but now it's back 100% I had some issues with it's little operating system, but after a little surfing on the Apple website...BAM! It's a fucking zombie i-Pod, back from the dead. I know I'm making too big a deal out of this...but you have to understand--it's like I'm getting it all over again. Hey, guess what? It's Christmas '05 and I'm getting an i-Pod Nano! And guess what? I'm going to take real good care of it, honest injun. I won't wash it or nothing.

So the real reason I'm up (besides playing Dr. Frankenstein to my electronics) is because I finished BREAKFAST OF CHAMPIONS. I've only read two of Vonnegut's books, but damn if they aren't like light, puffy bags of popcorn...one minute it's full and the next...well fat ass, you just ate a ten ton bag. And you're still hungry. I could read the damn thing over again right now and still be entertained. I can't even describe the thing (I tried earlier today for Leah's benefit). It's not like it's a "difficult" book. Although the themes and messages in the book are pretty tough to wrap your head around. The idea of a book where the author is not only a character, but where discarded characters make random appearances (and try to kill the author) is really strange art friends.

Anyway, it was great and...do I need to write it? YOU SHOULD READ IT. *Sigh* I hate being an English major in a sea of business/philosophy/math/history/psych majors. No one understands the things I'm passionate about. Boo-hoo! Woe is me. Oh well. I've been thinking about starting a book club (or finding one and joining it) because I hate finishing books and only having myself to talk to.

Alright, off to bed with me...


Lrgblueeyes said...

I wish I had the time to read all the books you read, I loved talking about the books we both read but with school, my jobs, rusty, you, wii, family stuff and cleaning I dont know how I would. I plan to read over the summer between studying maybe we can plan out a book list for me. and we could talk about them over the phone.

Anonymous said...

Have you ever read T. C. Boyle?

Jason said...

Haven't heard of T.C. Boyle...will check 'em out. As for the summer, I hope to go back to my crummy rent-a-cop job one last summer...I hope I get another cherry post that'll let me do some reading, last summer was amazing. SO many books.