Thursday, December 14, 2006


Today sucked. I am 99.99% certain that I got a D+ in Traditional Grammar. I know 100% that I failed that fucking final. It was a monster of a thing...10 pages, 50 questions. Damn...what pisses me off is, last night while I was studying the old tests I couldn't believe how easy they were. Too bad I did so poorly on them at the time. Anyway, I'm not taking that shit again...screw I'm changing my major...

just kidding! Me and my amigo Paul are going to study together next semester and just take the stupid exam and test out of it. Pathetic, huh? I am so ashamed right now. I think I did okay in my other classes (Espanol included). Ah well...such is life. At least I was on the Dean's List once out here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If it makes you feel any better, I took a basic grammar test in a British Lit class one time and received a C! Afterwards, I thought--I didn't take the test seriously enough. I thought I knew it all and just breezed through it. Et voila--an English major with a C on the basics.