Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Indy Fights...Aliens?

Bet you thought that with CLOVERFIELD's release I'd have no movie to obsess about, huh? We'll you'd be wrong. The new INDIANA JONES movie is shaping up to be all sorts of awesome. The film's title: AND THE KINGDOM OF THE CRYSTAL SKULL sounds strange (but then again so does RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK, right?).

Anyway, a leaked picture of the titular crystal skull got leaked (and then pulled) from the net. I managed to snap up a smaller version of the image...

Looks a little...dare I say it, alien? Is Indy going to be fighting the Russians for alien artifacts??? Also interesting is this leaked image of (a very dirty) Indy. What's the in the background??? Looks like a mummmy--FROM OUTER SPACE!!!! *Dun-Dun-Du-Dah*

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