Friday, February 22, 2008

No Video Blog

I wanted to film one, but none of you people played ball!!! I tried calling someone (albeit to prank them) but no one who reads this blog (whose number I have) picked up. I did get my sister, Amber on the phone...but the conversation we had got so serious, I didn't have the heart to prank her.

Anyway, I was out all day anyway. Me and Leah went and did the Wedding Registry thing (Target and Kohl's, thus far). Then we went to the movies--twice! We went and saw BE KIND REWIND (a charming Michel Gondry film) and CHARLIE BARTLETT (which, like my friend Katie said, was fucking brilliant). Go either, because they were both good. Better yet, go see them both.

Tomorrow is going to be super busy for me (10 hours of work, followed by a drive home to KC), so I probably won't get anything interesting posted until Monday.

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