With Super Tuesday over, Meemoe has faced the sad reality that he will probably have to wait another four years to be President. He sat up all night, checking CNN's website for election results. When I asked him which State had his name on the ballots he looked at me with a usual blank stare of dino-confusion. The little gears in his head have turned, and I think this morning--he finally got it.
So, I'm sure he'll be announcing his decision to "pull out of the race" to all his supporters on his Facebook group "Memmoe The Dinosaur for President 2008."
Don't feel too bad for him, though...he's already planning his next career move...
Is Meemoe endorsing another candidate?
Or is he still going to run in 2012?
I think he could really bring a return to old fashioned values, since he was born back when ape-men were ape-men, ape-women were ape-women, and fire was high technology.
At this time, Meemoe and his running mate (the Cloverfield Monster) are considering a run in 2012.
They still hold out hope that their platform of "Their Are Too Man Humans" will one day strike a chord with voters.
I'd say "More dinosaurs, fewer annoying commercials" would be a platform I could get behind.
More Dinosaurs, Few annoying commericals, AND fewer humans! Great idea David!!! I'll discuss it with "Clovey" (my running mate).
Where did Meemoe get his ruby slippers?
Meemoe is a "Build-A-Dino" pet...which is related to those God-awful "Build-A-Bear" stores. Anyway, the clothes are all compatible--so when I went home last month my sisters dressed him up in a wide variety of embarrassing, frilly things.
He was very upset. I just sat back and laughed.
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