Wednesday, April 12, 2006

What a novel idea

Okay, now I'm freaking I have this thing I've been writing and now I people are going to want to read it...ugh...I hate that. It's a stupid popcorn novel. At least that how it started, but after examining it today I see that I'm injecting a lot of my personal spiritual beliefs in it...

I just need to get the first one out, that one's usually crap...then I can move on. Don't get me wrong, I believe in it...but it's really just something I'm doing for me. Ya dig? Anyway, here's why I'm worried people who read it might think I'm batty:

The protagonist (with no name) dies on like the second page. The meat of the story is a spiritual journey which questions the nature of "good" and "evil." It's a metaphysical landscape so nothing makes sense. I just hope people "get it."

Anyway, I guess I won't worry about it.

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