Thursday, September 06, 2007

A Better Weekend

Well it's that time again...that time I hate. Yes friends, the weekend is here. This is my first weekend in over three months that I have OFF. I have stuff to do (homework, laundry, other domestic chores) but I don't:

1. Have to go anywhere

2. Have to move

3. Have to carry anything heavy

3. Get up early

THANK GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Of course, next weekend is going to be back to the grind. For some reason, I thought it would be a good time to go back to KC NEXT weekend. I'm taking Lindsey to a concert! (of all things). We're going to see this really good Beatles tribute band 1964 at the Uptown. I saw them like three or four years ago and they amazed me. I've been wanting them to come back to KC so I could take her (Lindsey is a Beatle fan like me). I haven't told her what we're seeing yet (trying to build the suspense) but I know she's going to be stoked when I tell her next week. BUT that means I have to drive to KC again. Ugh. And since it's a Jewish holiday next weekend, I'll be doing it alone (no Leah, no Rusty). Rusty I can't say I'll miss...but going without Leah will suck. I'll have to bring a bunch of CD's.

But that's all next weekend. This weekend I'm playing Metroid, doing my homework, and sitting on my ass. Hope your weekend is as good as mine.

1 comment:

Eternal Sunshine of Katie's Mind said...

I saw 1964 when I was about 13. They were amazing! I felt like I was back in the 60s watching the real Beatles! (George was always my favorite). If you do feel like venturing out at all this weekend, I'm putting together a little football watching party on Sunday, since I'm actually off work for a change. You guys should come if you're up for it!