Tuesday, September 04, 2007

What I'm Not Supposed to Talk About...

My postings are becoming a little less frequent these days. Mostly this is because of school, but it's also because I have so little to say. Granted, not a whole lot is going on with me (seriously). But there is also another reason. I have two topics that have been sort of "big deals" but I haven't felt like I could really write about them.

Now, I usually don't hold back and censor myself...but these involve other people. So out of respect for them I have held back. Until now.

I'm worried about two people in my life. The first is my Dad. He recently had to give up (or just gave up of his own free will) his PTA Presidency at my sister's school. I don't know what happened, just that he's no longer President. My parents have always been heavily involved in their kids schools, but my Dad takes it above and beyond what the normal person does--it's almost a second job for him. Anyway, I have the feeling that my old man gets along with others about as well as I do (I am a chip of the 'ol block)...which probably had something to do with his departure. We Wendleton boys just don't play nice with others. He says he's fine, but I'm still worried about him. I hope he doesn't just sit at home...he should go out and find something new to do (then again, so should I).

Then there is my friend David (or Davu). He's the lad who runs HTTP 411: Cool Links with me. Well I guess he's in some sort of legal hot water. Like the big, big, BIG trouble. I don't know what the government is alleging he did, but I know it involved computers. I feel bad because I haven't been able to do much for him. That's about all I can (and should) say about that...but it's been on my mind a lot these past few weeks. Me and Leah want him to come over sometime and play video games (and see the new place, can you believe no one has come over except Leah's parents? Then again, you have to know people in order to get them to come over...I guess we don't know that many people). Anyway, I don't know (or really care) what he may or may not have done, just do me a favor and send him some positive NRG.


Eternal Sunshine of Katie's Mind said...

I'll be praying for your dad and your friend. I hope all turns out well for them (and you). Like you, I'm pretty honest and don't hold back much, but there are a few things I'd like to write about, but don't for fear that those people will read my blog. Maybe I'll just change the names or something.... Anyway, a little sidenote: I have to skip Sylvia's class today. Take good notes for me? I'll see you...wow...not till next Wednesday. Maybe all of us (you, me, Leah, Paul) could get together for lunch or a movie or something sometime. Just a thought, because it sounds like you and I both need to get out a little more! :)

Jason said...

Yeah I noticed you weren't there today. I'll have a special post up by tonight just for you concerning today's class. You didn't really miss much...

Ugh...I do need to get out more (I should also be working too, but that's a different story). Because I have so much free time, I feel bad trying to set something up with you working stiffs!! The next time all 3 of us are together we should talk about doing something.