Tuesday, September 18, 2007

To Care, or not to care...

...that is the question that I face every other day. Friends, Romans, college students--lend my your ears. Let me tell you about a class that "makes me want to drop out of LIFE."

Yes, it's time again for me to bitch about Shakespeare. I like the plays. Not the most accessible works today, but they (mostly) stand up to time. No, what I don't like...nay, what I can barely tolerate is my teacher and her class (and it's structure--or lack thereof). We sit there and listen to her prattle on about how she "would stage" such and such scene. Great lady...uh, can we talk about the plays? No? Okay, then sure...please play us three minutes of a 50 year old BBC production (never mind that 1/2 way through an old episode of LAW AND ORDER will suddenly appear, as you taped over the end of Romeo and Juliet).

This isn't a theater class...but she's trying her damnedest to make it one--despite the fact that we don't read the plays in class, or act them out...huh? All we do is listen to her do these silly ass voices as she reads some of the juicer lines from these plays.

Today she gave us an assignment (worth no points) that if we don't all do it she's going to start having pop quizzes. Fantastic.

I don't pay attention anymore. I drew this, instead, today (it pretty much sums it all up):

UPDATE: Not sure if anyone cares...but if you've seen my latest video blog, then you know I'm using a two page "story starter" that I wrote to write a bunch of crazy stories...anyway, I posted the (rather generic) 2 page springboard over at WRITINGS OF A LIMEMONKEY.


Anonymous said...

Raise your hand and quote Shakespeare to her. Memorize the soliloquy from Hamlet. Polish up some of those rude comments, quick rejoinders found throughout Shakespeare.

Eternal Sunshine of Katie's Mind said...

Yeah. Sounds like that class sucks. Nice drawing though. :)
Have you thought more about the paper for Sylvia's class? I think I might do something on the whole woe vs wickedness theory we discussed today. Could be interesting.