Saturday, September 01, 2007

Weekends suck

Once again, my weekend sucks. I'm not sure when this happened, but it's been at least a month since I've had a weekend that wasn't shit. I was working all the time, then I moved out here (that was a shitty weekend). The following weekend was spent frantically trying to get unpacked before school started. Then school started. Last weekend was spent buried under homework and moving (again). Thankfully it wasn't me the one that was moving, but it still sucked.

This weekend I'm going home. I hate the long drive to KC. I have to go to a party I don't want to go to (I'm not very social, I admit it). Ugh...and then there is the homework. My last semester is tough. I have SO MUCH reading to do--I have to finish THE DEERSLAYER and read all of ROMEO AND JULIET. Also, I have a bunch of poems to read. Ugh...

With weekends like these, who need enemies?

1 comment:

Jason said...

It just doesn't seem fair? But that's life. Anyway, I survived the trip out here to KC (and that lame ass party). Now all I have to do is try to find some time to get my homework done AND survive the ride home tomorrow.

When is your party? Me and Leah are excited!