Friday, January 11, 2008


So while I was making dinner tonight, my two "little buddies" whined and begged for food. I fed them both, but Rusty was the only one who was satisfied...I turned my back for a second and guess who decided to sneak into the ice box:

I told him it was cannibalism...but he argued that since they're actually just chicken bites I was wrong. I thought about it for a while then countered saying, "You know Meemoe...there is a lot of scientific evidence to suggest an evolutionary link between birds and dinosaurs."

He didn't hear me...he was too busy stuffing his face. Disgusting.


Lrgblueeyes said...

I thought a braciasaurus was a herbivore.

Jason said...

Meemoe is a bit of a vacuum cleaner--he eats just about everything. Today he had some cereal.

Anonymous said...

great photo

Jason said...

Yes. Our little Meemoe is quite a handful these days...