Saturday, January 19, 2008

My Baby sister is 12

That makes me feel very, very, very old. I was literally there for her first breath of air...and it's weird to think that she's almost a teenager. Meethinks my life is starting to slip away from me.


Anonymous said...

That's one of my first memories of you--the announcement that you had a pre-school age sister and that you took your big brother responsibilities so seriously.

Jason said...

Yeah, you're right...I do take it seriously--which is why I THANK GOD I'm living out here in St. Louis.

Her birthday part was Saturday...and she got her first kiss (from a boy that likes her). I was both sad and furious at the same time.

Lindsey is waaaaaay more popular than I ever was. It worries me. I'm worried she's going to be my parent's true "wild child." I'm just glad I don't have to deal with it...

Eternal Sunshine of Katie's Mind said...

I know EXACTLY what you mean...It seems like just yesterday Alex was a newborn, and now he's in first grade! Time goes by so fast- try to enjoy every minute of it. :)