Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Who Ya Gonna Call?

Currently I'm obsessed with a video that popped up on the net a few days ago. I haven't posted anything on it because it might have been a fake. Today, however, it was confirmed by two different (and I think reputable) websites: the video below is of an early preview of a GHOSTBUSTERS game for the XBOX 360!!!

You can see more on Youtube (search for "Zootfly" that's the poster/game maker). Now before we G-Buster fan's get too excited...the game is being held up because of some legal (i.e. money) issues. BUT! Don't lose hope because this sort of thing happens all the time with intellectual properties such as film tie-ins. MY QUESTION is this: Why would a game company work this long and hard (even though it's a rough demo it looks great) on something THEY DIDN'T HAVE THE RIGHTS TO? I wouldn't have even started until I had ALL the legal stuff hammered out. My bet is: this will come out with another name (not Ghostbusters). I think Sony Pictures/Dan Akroyd are too stingy with the licence. Case in point, GHOSTBUSTERS 3--never gonna happen. There are probably millions of people that would pay good money to see it (me included) and there are probably a thousand people, a dozen companies that would finance it...but Akroyd/Ramis/Murray are done with it. Unlike SOME people (George Lucas I'm looking at you) they don't fell it necessary to continually revist and repackage the past. They aren't one note people.

That said I'd love for this game (and hell...a new movie) to come out. But part of me also hopes they don't because they will invariably suck and tarnish the name Ghostbusters. God I am such a fan-boy.

"I guess what I'm saying kitten is: shit happens and who ya gonna call?"

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