Okay, I've been trying to avoid blogging about this...but I can resist no more. By now you know what happened. Here are my thoughts on the subject:
I'm not a big Imus "fan" but I have listened to my fair share of talk radio. For two years I worked the overnight shift (security) and all I did was listen to the radio (once 2AM hits, I can't read without sleeping). So I listened to them all: Rush, Savage, Imus, Hannity, Ingram, Dr. Laura...all those nuts. First off, I think that all of those people are fucking nuts. Every single one of them. Radio is such an strange medium...and I guess it attracts strange people. The best hosts are the ones who are the best at saying something crazy but still remaining "grounded." You're not supposed to agree with them 100% of the time. This was the mistake that George Woods made. He was a morning guy on 710AM in Kansas City a few years back. Woods was real down-to-earth and he told you how it was (or how he saw it). Poor George wasn't a Democrat or a Republican. He sided with whoever he felt was right. This made him very sensible (which is why I liked him) but he was also very boring. I hardly ever found myself shaking my head (or yelling) at my pocket radio. So, one morning, I was out in the "Shit Shack" (security booth) and his voice didn't come on at 5:00...he was gone. Replaced by an ape, with a low IQ, who took pleasure in saying controversial things JUST TO STIR UP SHIT.
What I'm trying to say is, I think "good" Talk radio hosts and "entertaining" radio hosts are two different things. Woods was a good host, but he wasn't very entertaining. So he got shit-canned.
Alright, on to Imus. I used to see his show on MSNBC before heading off to Junior College early in the mornings (all those years ago). The stupid cowboy hat and the bizarre hair (it looks like spider webs or white straw) captured my attention. Truly Imus was a man made for radio. His stone face, lazy drawl were pretty big turns offs...I guess I wasn't in his demographic, because I nearly always changed the channel. But what I saw wasn't all that insightful OR very funny. The biggest problem I had with Imus is that he tried to be both a "good" and an "entertaining" talk radio host. That's a fine line that I think is impossible to walk. A guy can't be crazy, shocking one minute and then try to be this serious newsman. It just don't work people.
Which brings me to the "Nappy headed ho's" comment. I've heard it, you've heard it. What did Imus do wrong? Well for one thing, the guy REALLY miscalculated if he thought that was funny. It's not. It's not ever remotely funny. Even in the team were all black (it's not) or filled with tough, thug-types (it's not)...the joke still falls flat because for starters--I know for a fact that an old man like Imus isn't walking around using the word "ho". No friends, this was Imus's pathetic attempt at trying to sound "hip" and "current." What is hip and current right now? Urban/rap culture (read: black culture). The black kids have always been cool and the lame ass white people have always been trying to be just like them. Look at Rock 'N Roll. Black people had something cool, so white people wanted in on it. It took a while, but now we're part of Rock 'N Roll. Same thing with Rap. White people are just now really getting a toe-hold in that (thus, it's starting to become uncool). Anyway, the popular thing right now is this urban/rap style. The whole thing: clothes, music, hair, tattoos, jewelery, car accessories...hell I've seen snack chips and sodas. Also in vogue is the urban/rap way of speech (both syntax and vocabulary). This is what Imus was trying to replicate on his show. To show that he was still hip on what was going on in the world. To show that he was "down." Unfortunately for Imus, the urban/rap slang is very offensive and hasn't really been fully been deemed "acceptable" for every one's everyday use (like "sucks" and "cool" are pretty much widely used and non-offensive). Is that fair? Hell no, who said life was fair! It's a fact of life, though and Imus should have known better. Black people (by the way, that's what I call them because they are "black" unless someone really recently immigrated to Africa, I don't use the term "African-American" because I don't really want to be called "German-Native American-British-Scottish-American") can use the word "nigger" and (most) white people can't. Same thing with "Nappy headed ho," I'm sure that's someones pet name...a term of affection/endearment. And for them, it's fine. But not for me and (probably) you...and certainly not for Imus.
I also have no doubt that Imus is a racist...or at least, harbors some ideas that would be considered "racist." And why shouldn't he? He's 66 years old. The guy was born into a totally different world. Now, does that excuse him? No, of course not...but I don't see why everyone is so shocked that an old (66 year old) white guy with a Southern drawl and a fucking cowboy hat is a little racist.
Apparently Imus is well know for his "colorful" description of minorities (read: anyone not an old, white male). I think it's crap that someone like Imus has been booted from his show because of the "ho's" remark (which was just stupid, and not really as offensive as some of the other remarks I've heard attributed to him). It feels like getting Capone of Tax Evasion. The dude killed people! And he's in jail for not forking over a little cash. Stupid.
Okay, so personally I think that Imus is a douche and should be off the air because he's:
1. Not funny
2. weird looking
3. says offensive stuff about minorities and women.
But what about free speech? Well Imus wasn't censored. He didn't have to apologize to those women (all ace students, one I hear is almost a lawyer...not exactly a "ho"). But he did because we live in a Capitalist society! Imus and his show were products...and the consumer didn't like his product. Advertisers didn't want to sponsor him anymore because it was in their best interest not to anymore. Same thing with CBS/MSNBC...his comments content are secondary to the larger issue--to the people that mattered (the audience), what he said was wrong and they made their feelings known. Is Imus ruined? Hardly, for one thing everyone knows who he is. People that already knew who he was have been reminded of him. I bet some brave (or broke) Satellite Radio company would love to add Imus to their programming. Right now he's the hottest thing in radio right now (as far as name recognition goes...with the possible exception of Stern...who might not be in the spotlight, but has made such a big name for himself for just this kind of thing).
If that doesn't work out then there is always Podcasting online. Hell, he could do his show from his ranch or wherever...at a fraction of the cost CBS probably paid. Plus, he could reach way more people online. So I wouldn't shed any tears for Mr. Imus. Something tells me he'll land on his feet alright.
So, in short: I don't think this is a "Freedom of Speech" issue at all. Imus isn't in any legal trouble. He tried to be funny and use hip slang that only black people can really get away with using...he pissed off plenty of people and the market forced him to lose his job. Don't like it? Deal with it baby, that's Capitalism. And thanks so the same system that booted him out, Imus will probably not have to worry about putting food on his table (like you or me if we suddenly woke up and found we didn't have jobs).
I also think Imus apologizing to Al Sharpton is ridiculous because, honestly, the only people who need an apology were those basketball players. True, his audience was probably "offended" but it was those women who were PERSONALLY attacked. Even if it was in jest, I think the man went too far.
What about the "Howard Stern" Argument? Well it's true, Stern says WAY worse shit than the "ho" comment...but Stern is not a "news" radio personality! He's a shock-jock that used to be on Rock stations. Now he's on his own thing...you have to pay for it, so it's like cable and as long as the checks come in he can say what he wants. Imus had politicians on his show, he should have run a better program. Instead, he tried to be "edgy" and failed in a big way. Is it fair that we hold him to a different standard because he has Senators on his show rather than Porno Stars? Yeah, it's unfair. But the fact is, Imus was more respected (and therefore held to a higher standard) than Stern. I'm sure he didn't mind rubbing elbows with Washington for all those years. I'm sure he didn't mind being in a totally different bracket of radio program than Stern (who is in his own, strange little world).
In closing, I think a lot of people were wrong: Imus and Al Sharpton...most of the media, etc. But I'm personally happy with the outcome. He was an asshole and he lost his job, yay! I don't think this was a Free Speech Issue...just a fact of life--------if your job is basically to have people like you...DON'T PISS US OFF.
Power to the people.