Friday, April 13, 2007

The Competitive Nature of Men

Well I didn't win the Wednesday Club contest (again). Looks like I'll have one more crack at it next year...then I guess I'm going to have to give up.

Why is it that boys are so competitive?


Earlier this week my "friend" Sam was in the lunch room yucking it up about how I was playing Guitar Hero II on easy mode (he stared out on Hard). I got kinda piss off about this. For one thing, I had never played the game prior to buying I sucked. Buy by the time he made this comment, I was already done with the Easy mode and was working on Medium.

Well, for two days I couldn't touch the thing. I felt like crap. Then I picked it up and me and Leah had a little competition of our own (who could get the best score on certain songs). This got me playing again. Today I played the hell out of it...and BEAT it on Medium (no easy task). After I kicked "Free Bird" in the ass, I went back and played the few songs I had left.

Why am I like this? Why will spend hours working on beating Leah's high score? Why do the games we play get deadly serious if I feel my manhood is threatened? I have no idea. The world is a competitive I guess it's good I can compete (some can't). I've never taken anything "too far" (i.e. I've never punched anyone out...though I did throw a PS2 controller pretty far (thanks a lot GOD OF WAR 2).

Anyway, here is my video blog for this week:


Anonymous said...

Guitar Hero=manly sport

Anonymous said...

Hey thanks for coming through Quit Your Day Job. This post makes me want to buy Guitar Hero.