Monday, April 09, 2007

I Hate B.O.

That's right I hate it!!!

"Box Office"

When did movie making become reduced to this? The weekend take was never a really big deal when I was a kid. I remember movies came out, they cost money, but people never made a really big deal about what movie made what. Then, as I got older, it became a kind of game "entertainment" reporters played. A numbers game, this movie made more than this one so it's better (or worse yet, "it won"). What the hell? When did this happen and why?

I'm not stupid. I know that the only reason movies are made is to make money. I get it. I know it has been this way since the dawn of cinema. But when did a movies opening box office returns decide if a movie was going to stay in theatres? Growing up, movies that were good and bad stayed out at the movies for months. Now a movie is lucky to last a few weeks!

Get this, GRINDHOUSE did really shitty this weekend. The producers are blaming the "midwest and the south" for not "getting it." Hey duchebags! We get it!!! Thing is, you idiots opened your slasher/guts/horror movie on EASTER FUCKING WEEKEND. What did you expect? Newsflash, most Christians don't let their religion influence what movies they see...but there are some exceptions: if it's about Christ (extra points if Gibson is involved) THEY GO!!! If a film opens around a Christian holiday, and it's not a positive, uplifting holiday-type movie...they STAY AWAY. Many people can't pull themselves into a theatre around a holiday unless it's something for THE WHOLE FAMILY (not GRINDHOUSE). You guys were stupid to think otherwise. Yeah it was edgy to open it on Easter weekend. Yeah it was edgy to put two movies together and show them back-to-back. But ya know what? You lost.

Why am I so worked up about this? Because I'm reading that GRINDHOUSE may be pulled in a week or so AND RE-RELEASED as two separate movies! WTF? Huh? I mean, don't get me wrong, I enjoyed GRINDHOUSE, but I gotta be honest with you...neither film is good enough to stand on it's own. I don't care how much extra shit you throw in there. Which, by the way, is what they're going to do. Will longer versions of these two movies, playing separately attract the common man? Hell no. For one thing, people who might be interested will be turned off. "Why do I have to pay twice what some other people got paying only once?" The only people who will be lured into the dark multiplex will be people like me--true fans. Once again, filmmakers are dropping their pants and taking a shit on the only people who give a damn about them--the fans.

The movie has been out what, three or four days? Give it some time. They still have the overseas markets (where the films are being shown apart) and there is always DVD sales (DO NOT MAKE ME BUY BOTH OF THESE MOVIES SEPARATELY!!!). I can't believe that after only one weekend a movie may be pulled and reworked. That is just so stupid. Remember a little movie called NAPOLEON DYNAMITE? It did real shitty for like, three months...then wham! DYNAMITE fever hit and the thing went on to make a shit-ton of money. Why can't the same happen here (it won't). But it could. This is why I hate Capitalism. As an artist, we're faced with this threat of the market. If you don't make the people happy RIGHT NOW you lose. You have to butcher your art and turn it into two movies. Screw that. Most people (myself included) don't know what good art is most of the time. It takes us a while to see brilliance. What if all the artists of the past had operated under the modern American Capitalist restraints? All we'd have would be "Friends" and Paris Hilton.

Anyway, if you've made it this far through my rant...congrats! Here is some good news. I read about this woman Kate Walsh, who recorded and album (in a friend's house) and posted the songs online. That's it...just a woman, studied music, wrote some songs. Now she's #1 on iTUNES (UK). At least someone is making it.
Read all about it here:


Anonymous said...

Well, have faith, Jason.

Money made from movies comes mainly from DVD and overseas sales these days. Not so much the box office, though it is icing on the cake.

BTW, I answered your query with a blog entry and finally got round to pasting up your link on my favorites.

S. F. Murphy
Trapped in the Western Half of Missouri

Jason said...

Read the post, thanks for giving my question so much space on your blog. I'm not in any kind of writer's community right now (you'd think being at a 4-year school I'd be swimming in fellow writers) and I miss being able to "talk shop."

Thanks for the link on your blog. I'm trying to boost my readership to 3 people.