Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Dog Day Aftertnoon

Today a local dog shelter had puppies in UMSL's quad.

For a $5 donation, you got to play with a puppy for thirty minutes. It was supposed to be like a stress-reliever (for finals). I met Leah over at the student center, she had lunch then we went and played with a puppy.

Leah was really, really excited:

At first he (named "Number 4") seemed very tired. Leah dragged him around the Quad a little, got him some water--and he woke up in a very big way. Peed a lot too.

Overall, a good time was had by all:


Dave said...

Hmm... evidently you can make $20k a year being a puppy. (80 half-hours/wk * 52 wks a year * $5 /half-hr = $20800.

Perhaps they could bring this 'service' to other high-stress workplaces?

Dave said...


I'dve gone for "Mr. Chompers"