Friday, May 18, 2007

Friday Video Blog--Goodbye Bellerive

I wanted to post this last week...but I was busy and I forgot. SO, here it is: the very last time I was ever in my dorm. I'll miss living there and (some) of the people. Overall it was a good experiance...was it worth the $24,000???

I don't know about that...

UPDATE: I just posted an excerpt from my (slightly) un-finished short story "The Gossamer Trunk." Go check it out at my other blog:


Dave said...

If you think of it in monthly rent, you didn't make out too bad. About 650 a month, with easy access to nearly everything you needed... That's if you spent 9 months a year there for 4 years. I don't know quite what your situation was, but it should be easy to figure an exact number.

Jason said...

True, and some of that money was for the MANDATORY meal plan (which I didn't use all of) and parking fees.

I did have really fast/reliable internet AND I had cable!!! Plus a maid who clean my (community) was a pretty good deal...

I still can't wait to get a place with Leah this August.

Lrgblueeyes said...

but you ony lived there 2 years and David figured it at 4

Jason said...

Yeah, you're's actually closer to $1333 a month. Ouch...I feel stupid.

Anonymous said...

Jason--I've read the Gossamer Trunk excerpt, but there's no place to post my comments!

Anonymous said...

See, if you'd joined the Army, you wouldn't have had to pay 24K for the experience. They'd have paid you.

And made you pay in other ways.

Devious ways.

I'll have to tell you about the fight I got into once.

It involved a toilet plunger and a bucket of white paint.

Trapped in the Show Me State where he says, "Show me TEXAS!"

Jason said...


I have no idea what's up with the comment thing...yesterday I wanted to post comments on your blog but couldn't (I figured you just turned the comments off). Leah made a good point--it was this time last year that my blog started to mess up....perhaps Blogger is run by college interns? Now that summer is here...they all went home?


Yeah...we have much in common, you and I--but the military ain't one of them. The truth of the matter is, I can't do a fucking pushup. I know, I know...they'd "teach me" (i.e. kick my ass until I could) but I just took it as a sign that it wasn't for me.

Jason said...

"Missing Comments"

Apparently Blogger is aware of the problem...and are trying to correct it. They said it seems to happen when you save your post as a draft BEFORE you publish it (which rings true for "The Gossamer Trunk" post, which I saved and edited for a while before publishing).

So I guess I won't be saving my posts prior to publishing anymore. Maybe I'll write my longer ones out in Word...

Dave said...

May as well leave comments for Gossamer Trunk over here...

Quick notes: Shingles are on roofs, and sometimes used as siding. The windows in the third paragraph probably had shutters.

Second, toward the end of the excerpt, a mention of foil trash bags is made... Were you thinking of cellophane?

Third, some historical data:

Fourth, I want to see more of this, but don't feel like you have to let me see it until I finish the current project I'm working on for you :)