I've taken about a week off from Guitar Hero, so tonight I decided to dust of the X-plorer and give it a whirl. Man was it sad. The problem with bumping up to a higher difficulty, is that it's impossible to go back. The once blazing "Medium" is now turtle slow, I get bored playing it. So I'm a "Hard" man now. Problem is, when you take time off and come back--it hurts.
The orange button isn't a problem. In fact, I think my slide technique is awesome. No, what is still giving me trouble are the "quick notes" that lay nearly on top of each other. Also, the hammer-on/off's are still giving me trouble. After about an hour I was back where I should be, but for how long? I finished with my double shifts this week...so I guess I'll have to use my new found free time on sharpening my skills. I know one day I'm going to win some money with this game...they do have championships after all. I'm not there (yet).
I was a bad boy today. I spent money, and not on gas (which is all I'm supposed to be spending money on). I was on the official RedOctane website (http://www.redoctane.com/store.html) and saw that they were selling individual X-plorers (for only $56!!). I didn't know they were doing that (I keep looking in the stores for individual guitars...but they never have them for the XBOX 360). Anyway, now that me and Leah are going to be moving in/sharing a TV, I know I'm going to have to find ways to include her in my Guitar Heroism (lest my skills get weak). So I bought a second controller. That way we can play the co-op/vs. mode together!
Couples that play together, stay together.
Needless to say, the only person I've told (who would care) was my baby sister Lindsey--she's really excited (even though I'm only going to be here another month). She beat "Easy" in about three days, and has gotten about 1/2 through "Medium" (she quit when our save files got corrupted and I had to delete them).
I downloaded "Less Talk More Rokk" by Freezepop (the greatest Bonus song in the game) on iTunes earlier this week. It was free, I got two downloads when I bought the ZZ Top tickets. Great, great song. My friend David is a fan of it, too. I really wanted to score a 5 star rating and dedicate it to him. But alas, despite four attempts, the best I can do is STILL a lousy 4 Stars:

You can see I'm playing pretty well, actually. The lowest I scored was a 90% on the second chorus. Which makes me wonder, just exactly how are the star ratings scored? I mean, some songs a 94% is a 5 star. Does the difficulty effect the rating system?

Anyway, I have a bunch of 5 Stars on "Hard." The latest I scored tonight (in between "Less Talk More Rokk"). It's a newer song, but one that I really like (both listening to and playing). "Stellar" by Incubus:

My overall score:

Also, I saw a trailer today for Guitar Hero 3...holy shit. SLASH is in the game!!! He's like a boss character (yes, there will be boss characters apparently). I read he wrote a song just for the game (ala Buckethead in GH2). I am so excited about this game, seriously you people have no idea. I plan on taking my $100 uniform deposit and putting it towards the game THE DAY IT COMES OUT!!! I WILL SKIP CLASS, WORK, WHATEVER TO WAIT IN LINE TO BUY THIS GAME. I'm sick...
Speaking of sick, are you following ROCK BAND? This game is going to be better than Guitar Hero. Hands down. IGN posted pics of the drum set (looks sweet):

And they announced that THE STROKES are going to be in the game!! Harmonix is also saying that they will apparently have 2 new songs a week to download. And FULL ALBUMS you can download and play (can you say "Appetite for Destruction" anyone?). I read they hired my idol "Little" Steven Van Zandt to help them decide what songs are going to go into the game.
Come December I may be selling my blood for this game.
The problem I see with Rock band is one that has plagued real rock bands... where to play.
Combined with the fact that not many people have a TV in their garage, there's also the fact that you'd need to get 3 people together on a regular basis to justify buying the game in the first place.
I see your point...and it's a good one. I haven't played GH in the multi-mode...but I know already the co-op is going to frustrate me. Not that I can't play well with others...but I know I'll get pissed when someone makes a mistake. Now versus...hee-hee...
I've heard that Rock Band can be played alone (with either the vocals, drums, or guitar...while the other two are played "on auto-pilot"). But wouldn't that mean it's just a fancy/more expensive version of GH?
The songs are cool. The bands are cool. The content is going to be HUGE. The option to play drums or sing (besides guitar) is cool. This will be an excellent party game...but you're right, unless they lower the price from what I'm hearing...I don't see GH being in (too much) trouble.
Your Career scores the BOMMMMMMB
Heck yeah it's Da-Bomb! Actually it's better 'cos I came home from work and started shredding. In fact, it's nearly 12:00 Noon and I'm still up!!! Better go to sleep, yo!
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