1. Go to iTUNES search for "Rock and Roll Geek show." It'll be under podcasts, you can either subscribe to the show (which I recommend, it's great) or you can just download the one show (which is the latest one, show number 249).
or for you Luddites out there (for whom iTUNES is a mystery)
2. Go to http://rockandrollgeekwp.podshow.com/ and near the top of the page is the show notes for the show. Look for the green/orange speaker/play button. You can stream the entire episode from his website OR you can download the file directly from him.
The Limemonkey appears about 11 minutes into the show. Check it out...
I had an interesting conversation with my boss a few nights ago (I've been working so much I haven't had time to post about this). Somehow we got to talking and he told me about how he had tried to write a children's book a few years back. It was interesting to talk to someone else who is a wanna-be writer/security guard. I told him he should keep working on it...and felt pretty stupid encouraging him when I've pretty much given up on my own shit. This motivated me to do a little writing (a la Murphy, at work). I mapped out what could me a short story (thank you Terri for pointing out one of my recent posts could be a story "seed"). I'm also thinking that in these last three or so weeks I might smuggle my laptop into work and do some work on "Sea Change."
I regret not doing this earlier in the summer, but my laptop problems and the sheer number of hours I've been working has really limited how much I could do. Anyway, I'll be out in St. Louis in about 2 weeks for ZZ Top, and I'll be moving in about 4 weeks. Until then, I'm busy busy busy.
Congrats on your new-found fame... And again, on your upcoming move.
When's the housewarming party?
Dude, I recorded it at work...at like 3AM. I was so tired!
Housewarming party...uh-huh, not sure about that. The weekend we move in is my last weekend out here working...so I'll be getting in late. That week will be busy, and the weekend after that I'm going back to KC to pick up some stuff and get my last paycheck.
So...? Who knows.
Hey Man,
Thanks for plugging my show. I really appreciate it!
Michael Butler
No Mike, thank you for all that you do. I love the show!!!
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