Tuesday, July 31, 2007

HTTP 411: Cool Links

My buddy David is what I like to call a "net hound." He's always bring up some really interesting/weird/scary website in casual conversation. The man is a champion web surfer of the highest order. I'm always telling him he should start a "cool website of the day" type blog. I'm not sure if he's just being polite or what, but he always agrees...then never does it.

So, I went and set up "HTTP 411: Cool Links." I added David, Leah, and David's brother Jimu as authors. Anytime any of them find something cool they're supposed to contribute. Anything cool or interesting (or even better--useful) on the web. This stuff is out there, it's crazy how much crap is out there. If nothing else, I think it'll be good to have a place where these links exist together (when my laptop died I lost ALL my "favorites" but luckily have a bunch of them saved up here on "Thoughts of a Limemonkey").

Anyway, go check out "HTTP 411," and every so often pop back in and see what's been added. You never know, your new favorite website could be lurking there...


1 comment:

Dave said...

So... Admin?