Bio-diesel is the WORST IDEA WILLIE NELSON HAS EVER HAD. I understand people are desperate to solve the world's energy crisis. It's a real problem and I'm glad the world's country/western singers are hard at work on it. Thanks Willie.
But...ya music blows--and so does Willie's idea.

Grow corn to power our cars? Sounds great! America has TONS of corn, and lots of area to grow it. Right? And America's farmers are all on hard times, why not give them a helping hand by buying all their corn and turning it into pollutants?
The problem with all this is to grow enough, we'd have to use pretty much all the land in North America to grow enough (bye bye Yellowstone). Hell, we could grow more if we fill in the Grand Canyon...a little desert Hydroponics...wah-la!!! Corn fuel for all.
Great. Our cars will run...but we won't. See, what Willie and all these other fucktards (and that's what they are for being so damn stupid as to not think of this) don't realize is: IF YOU MAKE CORN OUR FUEL...CORN WILL BE EXPENSIVE LIKE OIL IS CURRENTLY.
But who cares! Well you should...if you like to eat, that is:
It's already happening people. Thank's uncle Willie. Hey here's an idea, let's use pot as fuel...maybe if the price of weed goes up enough Nelson will sober up and pull his head out of his ass.
I can't believe that people are so desperate they'd be this stupid.
There are people who are working on a process to turn inedible cellulose (the fibrous part of plants, which we can't digest anyway) into ethanol. And waste oil from restaurants, which would be thrown out anyway, can and does decrease people's reliance on petroleum, without creating any additional burden on the food supply.
I'd love to see, for instance, a lawn service with mowers and trimmers running on the stuff... Not as big an impact as a car, but it would be more easily sustainable.
I think that there is not going to be one quick fix/solution to this problem but rather like you suggest--many small solutions that will add up.
I think that people need to consider that no matter what we use as fuel (water, air, water) it will be expensive (even if it's not expensive now). That's just the nature of the world. Energy runs EVERYTHING and the people who control it will charge us and arm and a leg for it (what choice do we have?).
I think that making food our fuel is a mistake. There are still people in this world going hungry. We should do everything we can to LOWER the price of food...not raise it.
As I understand it, Willie's little business is in some sort of trouble so I don't think you have to worry about it.
If you drop in on Lobes over at journalspace ( you can catch the ever so often entry when he is talking about his renewable energy studies in grad school. They are pretty interesting.
I personally think we need to go back to horses and bicycles myself. You can always shoot a horse and eat it if you have to.
Northtown, Missouri
Glad to hear that about Uncle Willie. Come to think about it...I haven't heard much from him about it lately. However, the idea still has legs. When I drive from KC to St. Louis there are MANY signs talking about turning corn into fuel. It's a scary thing.
Bring back the horse? Leah knows how I feel about that (I don't like it).
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