I've dated a lot (and I mean a LOT) of vegetarians. Some lived this way because they found it morally wrong to eat meat. Some did so for vanity (i.e. lose weight). And some were just batshit crazy (okay, most were batshit crazy). In High School, during my Senior year, I took two "foods" classes. I did so to:
A. Pick up chicks
B. Learn a skill
C. Get out of "shop" type classes (those, I'm sad to say are "sausage fests" of epic proportions).
In my time in the school kitchen I learned to cook reasonably well. I enjoy cooking, even though it can stress me out (I prefer cooking for myself...no pressure there). My biggest problem is managing everything and getting everything to be done at the same time (in my opinion the hardest thing to do in a kitchen).
Anyway, long story short...dating all these vegetarians, I've became something of a vegetarian cook. My all-time favorite vegetarian recipe was Ratatouille. Even though I could never figure out how to say it (I took Spanish, not French in High School) it became one of my signature dishes here at the homestead.
When I heard that the next Pixar movie was called RATATOUILLE, I was excited. Despite the glut of CG kiddie flicks, I find the Pixar movies to still be fantastic. Sadly, I think some people have trouble telling the difference (the movie has only done so-so). That's a real shame to, because the quality of the Pixar movies is head and shoulders above 99% of the films being made (animated and live action).
What puts Pixar above and beyond all the rest is the writing. You can tell they actually get a SCRIPT together before they start making the toys and other merch. Also, the films always seem to have so much heart and a message--but not a "down-your-throat" didactic (I hate it when a film tries to "preach" at me *HAPPY FEET*).
I took my baby sister to see RATATOUILLE today, and it was great. The animation is no longer a gimmick, but new medium for story telling. The voice talent was top-notch (yes, Ratzenberger in it as usual), the water animation was astounding...Paris looked great. I like the Pixar movies because, unlike say SHREK...Pixar doesn't hit you over the head repeatedly with "jokes" that are nothing more than frantic pop-culture references. It would have been easy to do nothing but bash on the French, too--thankfully Pixar steers clear of this. Despite being about a rat that wants to be a chef, the film is one of the most human stories I've seen on screen all year.
Go check it out, even if you're not a kid.
I've never had Ratatouille. And oddly, when I type it in to firefox, the spell checker thinks I want to type "Bouillabaisse".
It's good, it's like a stew.
Sorry... That was me. I left myself logged in on the wrong account.
Yeah David later today I'll try to find the one I was using. I'll post it up here (somewhere)
From The Great American Brand-name Cookbook (yes, I know...lame but I like recipes that have brand-names in them):
2 cloves garlic, chopped
1/4 cup vegetable oil
1 medium eggplant, parred and in cubes
2 small zucchini, cut into strips
1 large onion, thinly sliced
1 medium green bell pepper, cut into strips
1 8OZ can stewed tomatoes
2 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley
4 teaspoons Wylers Instant beef bullion (which, if you want to be veg...just leave out and/or replace with vegatable stock)
1 tablespoon flour
1 teaspoon basil leaves
1 teaspoon of oregano
In a large saucepan cook garlic and oil until lightly brown. Add remaining ingredients, cover and simmer for 15 minutes. Uncover and stir for another 10 minutes or until veggies are tender.
See, easy!!! I hope that helps get you laid David (God knows it worked for me).
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