Right now it's early, and it seems like everyone is running for the big job. I can't say I blame them, it would be kinda cool (I guess). Despite the glut of candidates, none of them are really doing anything for me.
However, here is a ticket I really could get behind:
Now, before you say he's not right for the job...let's take a look at the facts. Shall we?
1. Murph served his country bravely in the first Gulf War (you know, the one that was run better).
2. Murph has a Master's degree in History (he's a college grad, so you know he's smart).
3. He has a delightful, slightly Southern accent. People love that in a President!
Shame on you America for wasting Murph's talents on lesser jobs. I can't think of a man more qualified to run our nation than my fellow blogger Murph. Now, I know the progressive thing would be to have Terri run as President...and believe me, I thought about that. Frankly, with all due respects Mrs. Clinton--American just isn't ready. But Terri's Vice-Presidency will help pave the way for a chick President! Terri has no experience in politics, but she has managed numerous writing workshops. Trust me, she can handle Congress...those guys are nothing compared to a room of wanna-be writers. Without bruising egos, Terri is able to offer constructive criticism like no one.
Now, before you post a comment...yes David, you are more qualified than Terri and Murph combined (David, I'm convinced, is the smartest fucking person alive). However, I want you to stay pure (and out of Washington). Besides, you and I are going to hustle people in bar-quiz games...you can't do that and run a nation.
Anyway, Murph/Terri has my write-in vote.
I think I could live with being corrupted. It may be evil, but it sure beats wrokin'.
It would never work--Murph and my ideas are diametrically opposite, though everyone might be surprised to learn what I'm conservative about.
The guy I want is busy promoting concerts, and trying to figure out what's up with his son. :)
I can see where you're coming from. Let's look at where I am, on the points you mentioned.
Military service: I prefer NOT getting shot at, but realize that some people don't mind it so much, and respect them for it.
Formal education: I've been TO a college a couple times... Does that count? I got a real high school diploma, though, not a GED.
Accents: I can affect a southern accent, but I think it comes off as a bit too 'Yosemite Sam'. I can also do 3 different english accents, but they seem to come and go.
Terri-Never voted for Gore (too young) but I sure as hell didn't vote for Bush (only one in my household of 4 registered voters who didn't, and I'm damn proud of that). I think Gore has figured out that fame and money is more important in this country than power...and that they are a greater tool for change. This is sad, because like I said in my post...none of the current crop of candidates (on either aisle) is doing anything for me.
Is Murph even old enough? (I just assumed he was 35 or older).
David-Don't worry about being corrupted! Once we start hitting those bar room quiz-games you'll feel pleanty dirty. Like taking candy from (drunken) babies.
Don't worry about if you're not qualified to be President. Bush isn't (qualified that is).
I prefer not getting shot at either, but then again, I signed up in 1989 when we thought we might fight the Soviets. Die at Fulda Gap or Die at the Mall via a 10 MG nuke. Mattered not to me if I could get the college money.
Sides, I wanted to serve.
Actually, I think a Liberal/Conservative Ticket might work, though as Terri said, some people would be surprised to learn what I'm Liberal about.
I'm 35, turning 36 this week, but I think I have to figure out how to manage my budget first before I try running a super power's budget.
And I don't think folks would care for my tossing nukes around at our enemies like so many hand grenades.
I'd get the troops out of Iraq all right. You just wouldn't like how I do it.
As for qualified, is anyone in the current crop qualified, regardless of party? Hell, if there is one, I don't know about them yet.
Love the pic, though.
Northtown, Missouri
I'd vote for ya Murph (and I think a 2 party ticket would be cool). I hope you're feeling better man.
We could start an Irish ticket--look at the names. Free beer in every fridge. :)
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