Stone Temple Pilots was an amazing band.
Guns 'N Roses was an amazing band.
You would think that if you took the lead singer of STP and three members of GNR (basically everyone but Axl), that the "super group" created would be the greatest band on Earth...well if you thought that (like I did) then you'd be wrong.
Velvet Revoler is like a hard rock Purgatory...Scott Weiland, Slash, Dave Kushner, Duff McKagan, Matt Sorum--they're all sitting in the dark, playing chess (or Twister) with Death. Their respective bands have fallen apart, and they're just passing the time, waiting for a judgement to be handed down...
The band released their first record CONTRABAND a few years back, and it was okay. I didn't feel the need to buy it (though I did download the lead single "Fall to Pieces" from iTUNES). An increased love of STP and GNR (no doubt fueled by GH2) lead to picking up LIBERTAD (which is Spanish for "Freedom"). The July 2 release date was appropriate (for many reasons, if you think about it).
Anyway, I put it in my CD player and listened to it...and was severely disappointed. Then I played it again...and was just let down. By the fourth listen, I've come to terms with the fact that Velvet Revolver is a good band--but one that will never be better than the two bands that spawned it. Sometimes more is not better. Six geniuses (and I'm not saying Slash is a genius per say...but bear with me for a sec) can get together and produce something LESS than what they could have made on their own. I think that if you take away the big names, this would be a better record, if that makes any sense. The expectations are just too high for these guys.
Anyway, LIBERTAD might initially feel a little paint-by-numbers...but just underneath the surface there are some interesting things going on. Scott Weiland lends his distinctive STP pipes, and Slash lends his technically brilliant/intricate guitar work. The second the first track, "Let It Roll" opens...you realise it's Slash. Musically, this is a tight record (and I mean that literally). I have no problems with Weiland's vocals...but the lyrics are lacking.
Despite the song being called "Let It Roll," Weiland sings "candy-O" over and over (to the point where I just wanted them to call the song "Candy-O"). Nothing wrong with that, except that's a Cars song and ALBUM! Slash and Weiland referencing '80s New Wave? Perhaps, or perhaps they're really that clueless. See, that's the biggest problem I have with the band...none of these guys are known for their brains--only their rawk. When they try to be serious I have trouble believing them. The next song, "She Mine" uses the word "candy" a lot as well. I don't know what to make of it. Candy, candy, candy...
Critics complained that CONTRABAND was hook-less...and on the first listen, it would appear that LIBERTAD is as well. However songs like "American Man," "Mary Mary," and "Gravedancer" all have really good hooks (both of the lyrical and guitar variety). The last track "Gravedancer" is actually one of the best hard rock songs I've heard in a long time. Everything else on the record has good pieces...but only pieces. I don't agree with the choice of "She Builds Quick Machines" as the lead single. The song is good, but it's clearly a 'deep album cut' and not a radio-friendly tune (which the band needs). I'd say the Elton John-ish sounding "Last Fight" makes more sense to me. That or "Gravedancer."
If the band wasn't a vanity project (and was a legitimate band that would be around in 5 years), I'd say the future looks very bright for Velvet Revolver. Sad truth: this isn't going to wow old fans of GNR and STP. And even worse--it isn't going to sway the rap/hip-hop lovin' youths of America to like hard rock. I predict that VR will put out one more record then die a quiet death. Rather than try to act like the past never happened, Weiland needs to reform STP and Slash & company should go reach out to Axl Rose.
I was going to rate this very (very) low...however it has gotten better the more I listen to it--which tells me it's a good record and I'm just tainted by my love of two old bands. Whatever else you can think to say about Velvet Revolver--they have balls. Big ones. Don't believe me? Go download track number 10. It's a little ditty called "Can't Get it Out of My Head."
Yeah, they covered ELO. And not only does it sound awesome, but they totally make it their own.
Jason was going to give LIBERTAD a C- but then he listened to it again and has decided it's a bit higher than average...so it gets a B-
Damn...I just listened to it again...and I'm still conflicted. I like certain parts more and more with each listen, but at the same time, I hate certain parts with greater intensity with each listen too.
At the end of the day, I'm living in the past: Velvet Revolver is the best mainstream hard rock band out today.
Download "She Builds Quick Machines." I heard Slash give an interview where he said it's going to be in Guitar Hero III.
I think you should keep the C- it was your gut choice and your sometimes too easy on bands. I think this is the lowest score youve ever given
I feel bad about that sometimes...that I give everything a good grade. But the fact is, I only review what I buy, and I very rarely get suckered into buying shit. The worst CD reivew I ever gave was the Mika album (and Pat gave me a copy of that).
Actually, truth be told, there are a few that I actually wish I could go back and rate HIGHER! Case in point, the new Kaiser Chiefs record. That thing has grown on me like a fungus, to the point where I actually listen to it more than the first record.
LIBERTAD is a good record that was made by a band that should be (in theory) making AMAZING records. Everytime I hear it, with my expectations lower, I appreciate it more.
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