Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Pink Spiders @ Vintage Vinyl

Last night Me, Leah, and Becky all went down to Vintage Vinyl (great, great record store) and caught a free in-store performance by the Pink Spiders. It was a 6:00pm/just-before-the-real-gig thing. It was us and a couple of geeky kids (one girl had a "fan club only" T-shirt on).

Basically I was the coolest person there (and I AM NOT a cool person).

The Pink Spiders are a pretty good pop-rock band. Becky seems to think they sounded a bit like Jason Maraz, but that's just because they were semi-unplugged. I think they're a pretty good band, but they're "chick rock." Nothing wrong with that, mind you. They played a couple of songs off their last record TEENAGE GRAFFITI, and some songs from the new one SWEAT IT OUT. I've always been a fan, but Leah loves them (our copy of TEENAGE GRAFFITI was actually purchased by her--which is rare, because Leah doesn't buy CD's).

Of course they were shilling their new record, and even though I was able to resist...Leah was not. It's okay, though, because they were giving away a bunch of swag with every purchase. We got...

A really cool poster (for the event):

A pair of "pink" sunglasses:

And Official Pink Spiders condoms:

It was a free show, so it was a little "rough," with all the usual forgotten lyrics and "I need water, someone get it for me moments." But overall they were pretty good. The best part was at the end when they did a cover of Nick Lowe's "(What's So Funny About) Peace Love and Understanding?" I was probably the only person there, among those children, who knew who the original artist was...but I didn't care. Such is the life of a geek like me.

Leah really wanted to go to the "Real" show, but it was at a place called The Bluebird (apparently on Olive) that we'd never heard of/didn't know where it was. No one apparently knew where this place was (a joke the band made during their set, more than once). Money is tight, so we didn't get to go (but baby, I DID buy you that CD). They were pretty good though, and had I had the extra money, I would have gone in a heartbeat.

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