Much like the stupendous(-ly stupid) "Death of Superman" event, I think this is all just a crappy way of getting the public interested in a character that is no longer relevant in the modern world. Captain America's death will help bring an end to Marvel's recent massive CIVIL WAR story line (the one where the super hero world is divided between those who favor people with super powers be required to register with the government and those who oppose it (I'm serious, that's what it's about)).
In this post-9/11, politically correct world, the notion of a man (the product of drugs no less) dressing up in red, white, and blue and calling himself "Captain America" is a little insane. America isn't the "good guys" anymore. We're evil imperialists, hell bent on world domination (step one, get attacked on 9-11...check). The way I see it, Captain America is yet another casualty in the global war on terror.
Nah, I'm just kiddin. This is pretty much 100% a publicity stunt. Marvel is in talks to develop Captain America into a feature film, so I'm sure this renewed interest will only help them bilk more money from some poor studio that doesn't realize that the comic book hero movie boom is nearly over (FF2? Please...Ghost Rider? Wonder Woman? lame...Spidey 3 and 300 are about the only comic book movies I'm interested in). Anyway, because I'm lame (and fall for all types of nasty publicity stunts) I'd like to take this time to say goodbye to the Captain.
Until they find a way to bring ya back, so long....
Have you been reading this insane war series? I picked up the X-Man and Spiderman versions, but have not read them yet. I hear they are branched off of the core comics. I read that he was dying yesterday in the series. Now I want to pick up the anthology they put out this week.
No, I haven't been keeping up with it (no money). However, I heard that Peter Parker took his mask off in front of the press (thus un-masking himself) and that The Punisher may become the new Captain America. The Fantastic Four line up has changed too (to include Storm from the X-Men and someone else while Mr. Fantastic and the Invisible Woman are off doing something important).
I didn't know they were putting it all out as an anthology...I think I want that though. I wonder how much it is? Probably a lot...
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