Monday, June 04, 2007

Lame Duck

One of the things I got into heavily four years ago was talk radio. I worked nights, and found that I could only read about 1/2 through my shifts (otherwise I started to get sleepy). So I bought a cheap $5 radio and started on the FM band. But I soon grew tired of the same classic rock songs...and I moved on to the AM band. My Dad told me about this crazy show, Coast to Coast AM and I would listen to that about 50% of the time. But frankly, it's just a little too crazy--so I started flipping around.

Eventually, if a person listens to enough will find Rush.

They say that television and the movies are dominated by the left, and I guess that's true. Well the Conservative right has the airwaves. AM radio is chock full of these people. Rush Limbaugh isn't really representative of the average right-wing radio host (believe it or not). Rush is actually pretty considerate to both his callers and his listeners. I chuckle at his ego (which is nearly as big as his fat head).

True, I don't always agree with Rush...on many things, but I do find him refreshing for some reason. I consider myself to be a moderate (middle of the road) person...I could go on and on about talk radio and what it's taught me about politics--but the real reason I'm writing this is because of a shocking thing I heard on the radio this past week.

I listened to Sean Hannity, Rush, Savage, O'Reilly...they're all pretty pissed at President Bush (to one degree or another). I find this interesting--and a really good sign of just how shitty a job Bush is doing. These right-wing people are frankly supposed to sit there and support Bush. And in the past that's what they've done: blindly support him.

Not anymore.

I know that when a President reaches the end of his second term, he get becomes a shall I put it? Ineffective? But to ignore what people on your own side of the aisle want!? Seems a little stupid to me. Immigration reform, the enviroment, the "War" on terror. He seems to be making both sides unhappy on all these fronts.

A good example is the enviroment. Leftist, enviromentalists want Bush to commit to reducing CO2 emissions. Conservatives want Bush to ignore this. What does he do? Like a true politician he announces that we're going to try to reduce our emissions...but isn't specific. This pisses off the tree-huggers (who want him to get serious about the matter) AND at the same time it pisses off his supporters who don't believe in Global Warming (how dare he pretend to care about CO2!).

You would think that a man with the ultimate power, and who doesn't care about being re-elected would actually DO something (one way or the other)...but instead Bush seems to still be playing the political games. I didn't really follow our last President (too young) but I wonder if all so-called "Lame Duck" Presidents do this--or his Bush really that stupid?

My last year as President I'm doing all the shit I wanted to do but couldn't. Not touring the world at the taxpayer's expense (Clinton) or playing these same old, stupid political games (Bush). If you can't give us straight talk when you have nothing to lose, when can you?

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