Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Pitfall of becoming famous #1,986

Eventually, if you become famous enough--they'll make a movie about you and your life story. Who would play YOU in a movie? Me? I have no idea, I guess some sort of puppet or perhaps a shaved chimp. Sometimes it can be flattering when they make a movie out of your life. Sometimes you get a real hunk/sex goddess to play you...

Such is not the case for poor Bob Dylan. I can't believe who they got to play him in an upcoming, big screen bio-pic.

If this happened to me, I think I'd cry first...and then I'd just have to laugh.


Jimu said...

here's a link to the guy who'd play you. :)

Jimu said...

(oh and I couldn't get a link to work on your page. so just copy paste :)

Jason said...

Ass. By the way, did you get the message that I'm helping you move this weekend?


Jason said...

By the way, am I messed up for actually wanting to see the Cavemen TV show???

Somehow, I think it might actually me kinda good. Oh, and that reality TV show KID NATION, where the kids make a society without adults looks good too.

Anonymous said...

No one immediately comes to mind. Perhaps it will be an opportunity for some actor just trying to break through.

Jason said...

Am I the only one who thinks it's insluting that they got a woman to play Dylan??

Anonymous said...

I think the resemblance is remarkable. And I also want to go see this film.

Have you ever watched "Shakespeare in Love"?

After pondering this for several days, I think the YOUNG Elliot Gould would be a good actor to play you.

Jason said...

That's the very first thing I thought of when I read this article! SHAKESPEARE IN LOVE!!! We were talking about men portraying women in my Shakespeare class on Thursday...imagine how the Elizabethans would shudder to think of a WOMAN playing a MAN.

I'm excited about seeing this, good or bad--it'll be interesting.