Tuesday, November 20, 2007

NaNoWriMo Day 20 Wrap-Up

Well, I'm still at it!

Somehow I've managed to stay on top of my writing (despite being sick and in a strange place). I wrote about a 1,000 words at KCI today, man that place is a dump. I've only been to a handful of airports, but I gotta tell you...KCI ranks at the bottom of the ones I've seen. Anyway, I wasn't going to try to do any writing "in-transit," however my dad took us to the airport WAAAAY to early. So we had plenty of time to sit there and twiddle our thumbs. I thought to myself, "why not?" So I got the old laptop out and got to work.

I just finished writing for the day, I got 1,703 words done...my total word count is 33,427. Not bad, I'm ahead of where I need to be, but only by a couple of words (my healthy 1,000+ lead is long gone). I could probably write more today, but I'm all alone with this (very curious) puppy (won't stop licking me). So I guess I'll stop for the day.


Anonymous said...

So, how was your flight? My daughters leave for Montana bright and early Wednesday a.m., routed through Denver--snow to Billings, more snow.

Jason said...

The flight was good. It was really no problem at all getting out of there. KCI is a crappy airport, partly because so few people use it.

This was my first Thanksgiving away from KC, and I was expecting it to be terrible...but it was just a regular plane ride. I'm told coming home (on Saturday) will be worse.

Good luck to your daughter!